The property of agricultural enterprises, irrespective of the form of ownership


According to Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Tajikistan dated January 28, 1994, #36 "About obligatory insurance of property of agricultural enterprises, irrespective of the form of ownership"


Insurance object

- harvest of agricultural crops (except for weeds);

- livestock sector, poultry, rabbits and bee families;

- buildings, structures, transportation mechanisms, motor vehicles, equipment, raw materials, products and perennial trees.


- property of agricultural enterprises from gross output from 2,0% to 2,5%;

- livestock sector from 0.5% to 2.0%;

- Fixed assets from 0,3 to 2,5% of the insurance amount.

Insurance amount

Depending on the cost of insured object.

Insurable event

Natural disasters, infectious diseases and fires.


Insurance Premium Calculator

The insurance premium is :